What is your Health Status?

What is your Health Status?
What is your choice?

Sunday, 23 March 2014

The World is Changing

Do you have one for the changing world? I have it already. invite you join together to growning up together. - $129.99/ first year and 99.99/year.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

70-Year-Old Looks 30, Reveals Fountain of Youth

70-Year-Old Looks 30, Reveals Fountain of Youth

Too Bad her husband don't belive her when she started . 
Her husband looks like his own ages. She looks like much yonger.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

How can you save money on your Hydro bills - 42% in the next few years.

Ontario Hydro bills are headed up,up,up - 42% in the next few years.
You already see it has been increased 8% since Nov 2013. The next increase will be May,2014
Toronto SUN news: on Dec 2.2013  - http://m.torontosun.com/2013/12/02/ontario-hydro-rates-to-rise-42-in-5-years
Ontario hydro bills are headed up, up, up.
The Liberal government’s new long-term energy plan shows that the average monthly residential bill of $125 will rise to $178 within five years — a 42% increase.
Hydro bills are expected to dip slightly in 2019 to $177 a month, and then rise again until 2022 when they’ll hit $193 a month.
A second decrease in prices is forecast for 2023-24 and then the trend for prices is onward and upward for the foreseeable future.
It could have been worse.

Typical Family’s Monthly Hydro Bill
2013 - $125
2014 - $137
2015 - $145
2016 - $167
2017 - $170
2018 - $178
2019 - $177
2020 - $181
2025 - $194
2030 - $205

Ontario Hydro Rates   http://www.ontario-hydro.com/index.php?page=current_rates

Average Rate is $8.85 now. Soon it will become to
average useNov 2013May 2014Nov 2014May 2015Nov 2015May 2016

What you can do?

Solution:FIX RATE PLAN - PLANET ENERGY  5 year term FIXRATE $4.99cents+G.A
(This plan will adjust from Apr 1,2014 - Only 1 month left to lock your rate)

G.A 5years long term average rate is 4.13 cents
G.A in Jan 2014 only has 2 cents.   - 2014,Jan, you only need to pay 4.99+2=6.99cents/KWH
Note: you may need to pay little more in 2014. dipendent how much do you use. - But from long term you will save lot lot of money.

 Click to know more:http://apluschoice.acndirect.com
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