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Tuesday, 24 November 2015

What Is The Correct Time Of The Day To Drink Water? - See more at: http://www.naturalcuresandhomeremedies.com/what-is-the-correct-time-of-the-day-to-drink-water/#sthash.XIv00MQ7.dpuf

What Is The Correct Time Of The Day To Drink Water? -

Drink water when you get up
Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up, to inform your body that it’s time to start with active work.what-is-the-correct-time-of-the-day-to-drink-water
The circulatory system requires liquid to get rid of free radicals and the remains of the burned calories which were used by the metabolism during the night. Also, drinking lemon water in the morning is very beneficial for your body.
Drink water before each meal
Drinking water before each meal will help you feel satiety, so that you will need less food to feel full. Water helps your stomach to prepare for food that will follow, awakens the senses of taste on the tongue and moisturizes the stomach. In addition, drinking water before meals eliminates the flavors from previous meals, the taste of some other drink, or the taste of a cigarette from your mouth.
A glass of water with snacks
Between meals, if you feel hungry, first try to drink some water, because you may also feel hunger if you are a little dehydrated as well. Sometimes people think they are hungry when they are actually thirsty. Drinking water before snacks, or along with your snacks will make you feel full faster and you will eat less, a habit that can help anyone who has problems with the increasing number of pounds.
Drink water before exercise
Depending on the temperature, humidity and fluid levels in your body, you can take one or more glasses of water before you start training in order to avoid dehydration of your body. Whether you are playing a sport, fitness or pilates, hydration is essential, for it will protect you from heat strokes when the weather is hot or will enable you not to freeze when cold. This is due to the fact that your circulatory system plays a protective role in both seasons.
Drink water after exercise
After your workout or any other physical activity, drink plenty of water to restore the body fluids lost during sweating. Do not drink too fast because it can cause stomach cramps, but be sure to drink enough.
Drink water to protect when exposed to a virus
If at work or at school you are surrounded by people who have a cold, drink more water than usual to remove bacteria and viruses that your body has received as a result of the exposure. Well hydrated body helps to evict all the invaders who want to reproduce in your system. Drinking water each day before going out or after you return home will help prevent and reduce viruses.
Drink water when you are sick
When you catch a cold, drink more fluids- this old recipe still works. Most experts recommend drinking eight glasses of water each day, and you can further drink other liquids such as tea, juice and soup. People who are in hospital get fluids to keep their body hydrated and to protect if it needs medications.
Drink a glass of water when you’re tired
When you feel tired or when you need a nap, drink a glass of water. Due to its ability to move quickly in the body, it can reach the brain and activate it when needed, whether it is before an appointment or before any other important activity. Cold water will wake up both, your body and brain.

Why Are You Washing Your Hair The Wrong Way? It Causes Your Hair To…

Are you spending a lot of money and time on your hair and still not getting any near to the perfect hair of the models you see in magazines or TV?
Here is something surprising: you might not really know how to wash your hair the right way!
Using the correct techniques can make a world of difference in your hair’s health, bounce and shine—but if you’re making some common mistakes, you could be damaging your lovely locks without even realizing it.
Washing Your Hair The Wrong Way
We asked two of New York’s foremost hair pros, Kyle White, lead colorist at Oscar Blandi Salon and  hair stylist Nunzio Saviano of Nunzio Saviano Salon in New York and, to share their best tips for lathering up—and doing it the right way.
  • You should start with a rinse.

Just like your laundry needs a rinse cycle before you add detergent, hair should be completely wet before you add your shampoo. This will enable the hot water to open the cuticle, which is good for removing any dirt from the hair.
  •  If you have long hair, condition first and then shampoo.

If your hair is beneath the shoulders long, protect fragile ends from drying out by running a small amount of conditioner through them and lightly rinsing, before any shampooing.  This will not only keep ends healthy, it will fill any holes in the cuticle with moisture, making it smoother and boosting shine,” says White.
  •  Lather up — but only at the scalp.

“You only need to shampoo the hair at the scalp, particularly at the nape,” Saviano says.
The best way to lather up is from roots to ends. The hair closest to the scalp is the youngest and will inevitably be the oiliest, while the end of the hair is the oldest and usually driest, most fragile part of the hair.”
Don’t use more shampoo than you need, a quarter-sized amount of shampoo is enough. If your hair is particularly long or thick, go ahead and double that.
  • Be gentle!

Rubbing can permanently damage your hair’s cuticle, leading to breakage and frizz. Try to wash your hair like you hand wash your delicates — very carefully.
  • Don’t rinse and repeat.

Despite what the instructions on the back of your shampoo bottle may say, there’s no need to wash your hair twice.
“Avoid stripping the hair by doing one shampoo only, which is usually sufficient,” says White. “Unless the hair is extremely dirty and the first shampoo didn’t produce lather,” in which case, go ahead and lather up one more time.
  • Add conditioner from the mid-lengths to the tips.

After you’ve rinsed out your shampoo, “squeeze some of the water out of the hair before you put in the conditioner,” says Saviano.
“Then clip your hair up and finish showering, leaving the conditioner rinse out for the final step of your shower.”
The longer the conditioner stays on your hair, the better it absorbs. Don’t put conditioner at the roots of your hair; the natural oil from your scalp is more concentrated there.
  •  Finish with a cold water rinse.

“Cold water will shut the cuticle tight, sealing the shingle-like outer layer, which will cause it to reflect the most light and give off the most shine,” says White.
More Hair Washing Tips…
How often you wash your hair depends on your hair type, too. If you have oily or fine hair, you may need to shampoo daily. Normal or dry hair can lather up closer to three times a week.
Use a shampoo and conditioner that’s made for your hair type. If your hair is dry, choose moisturizing products. If you color your hair, opt for color-safe formulas.