What is your Health Status?

What is your Health Status?
What is your choice?

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

“If it’s so great, then why isn’t it in all the stores???”

Good topic --

“If it’s so great, then why isn’t it in all the stores???”

An internet friend of mine, in a discussion about a health product he was recently introduced to, asked:
If this product is so good, and is really “the most powerful antioxidant in the world” as its sellers claim, then why isn’t it produced to be sold in stores?

Your question is fundamentally flawed.
First of all, Innovative new products can’t just start out being sold in stores. There is competition for limited shelf space. There are relationships with wholesalers that have to be cultivated and convinced before they will distribute a product. There is FDA approval. You’ve heard stories of upstart entrepreneurs selling their product out the back of their station wagons, building a clientele, growing their business bit by bit. That’s why.
If today, you developed a product that you wanted sold, the smartest strategy would be to use “word of mouth marketing”
through independent distributors. You can make more money, cut out the middle man (the stores) and go directly to the consumer.
So, to use a product’s availability in major, well-established, cut-throat competitive chains and supermarkets as a determinant of its effectiveness or credibility is not wise.
Furthermore, your question presumes that mainstream companies that sell to supermarkets are in the business of making people healthy and better. They are not. These companies (think Kelloggs, Kraft Foods, etc.) are and remain in business selling products at a profit, and generating repeat customers who get hooked on their products. That’s why there is sugar in table salt (look at the ingredients in Morton Table Salt in the US), sweeteners in soda, preservatives, MSG and other unnecessary, harmful and addictive ingredients in many products you find on supermarket shelves.
There is little that is sold in supermarkets that is really “good” for you. (Personally, the only thing I buy in supermarkets are toilet paper and bottled water. I get everything else from farmers markets and organic health food stores, or directly from the tree when I’m on Saipan)
To mass market a product requires that there be a viable profit margin selling your product at a price the masses find reasonable. The majority of items sold in supermarkets, therefore, are essentially garbage because they can be produced at low cost using inferior industrially-farmed, mass produced, genetically modified ingredients, sold at a low cost to fit within the budget of the widest audience.
It is a flaw to use widespread availability as a determinant for a product’s health effectiveness.
Your statement also presumes that the overall thrust of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)–as well as the medical profession in general– is to cure illness. It is not. Similar to food companies, the prime directive is to keep people unhealthy so that their income through the peddling of pharmaceutical drugs is maintained.
The Gerson Therapy is outlawed in the US BECAUSE it cures cancer. Hydrogren Peroxide, DMSO, clay, etc. are all downplayed as miracle cures BECAUSE they are, and are easily accessible by the public. There is a war against nutritional supplements for the same reason.
It is a flaw to rely on medical acceptance and government support as a determinant for a product’s health effectiveness.
So, to answer your question:
It may be precisely BECAUSE it is so valuable that you will NOT see it in supermarkets. The moment you DO see such a product in a supermarket at a “reasonable” priced, that ’s when you can be sure that (a) the original manufacturers have sold it to a larger concern who may have changed the production/growing process and stripped it of its original value in order to make a profit, and/or (b) lower cost inferior ingredients are being used towards that same goal. (This is what people are saying happened to Solgar, Burts Bees, Tom’s of Maine, and other brands. See
I could go on, but the reason things don’t seem to make sense is because your paradigm is flawed.
Did you know that lightbulbs can be manufactured to last longer? Did you know that rubber car tires and component parts of electronics can be made not to wear out as quickly as they do? Your question is similar to asking “If those lightbulbs and tires can really last longer, then why aren’t those sold in stores?
“If there were really UFOs in existence, then why isn’t it mainstream news?”
This is an ordered and predictable universe that conforms to specific laws. Everything makes sense if you have the correct understanding. And your life, other people, the world and your place within it can make sense if you have the right belief system. Check out a belief system that can help you make sense of things at http://www.livingtruetoyourself.com

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Cellphone Safety using tips:

Cellphone Safety using tips:

  • Use left ear to answer the phone
  • When phone’s Signal is low to last bar, don’t answer the phone, because the radiation is 1000 times stronger. 
  • never hold the phone against your head for longer than 5 minutes at a time,
  • never wear the phone(switched on or off)closer than 3cms to your body,
  • never EVER let children under 15 use a mobile phone,
  • never sleep with a mobile phone within 3 metres of your head etc etc.

  • First, use a headset or speakerphone mode.  That moves the phone (and it's antenna) away from your head.
  • Second, consider reserving the use of mobile phones for shorter conversations or when a conventional phone is not available. 
  • Third, the effects of cellular damage are greatest on growing, developing organisms (i.e., the young), so limit children's use of cell phones!
  • Fourth: Use radiation Protector :

  • You can cut this protector to any size fit on your phone. ( Need at least have over 2/3 size as original to let it works properly )

    Cellphone use similar frequency as MicroWave. Cellphone network just like put us around the microwave.

     After use the radar shield:
     Maybe you will find many articles saying phone harmless, but more and more will tell you radiation will bring some side effect to our body. Especial for the brain. The phone is now use much more and much longer than before. It not just for talking and now it is with  smartphone application, Let me can't live without cell phone.

    How to use the phone safely are  more and more important. Believe it or not let you to judge for yourself.

    Thursday, 13 June 2013

    Just watched TV few days ago and find the topic about high hill shoes risk.

    Just watched TV few days ago and find the topic about high hill shoes risk.
    CNN news:
    The real price of your footwear
    High heels are hell. We all know that. Teetering around on them can cause ankle sprains and breaks; bunions, hammertoes, and stress fractures; as well as tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, and ligament damage.
    While statistics linking injuries to a specific shoe don't exist, the AAOS reports that more than 7 out of 10 women have developed a bunion or other painful foot deformity; 9 out of 10 women's foot deformities can be tied to bad shoes.
    And the problems don't end at your ankles. A study last year found that women who regularly wore high heels had shorter calf muscles and stiffer, thicker Achilles tendons.
    Another study found that prolonged wearing of high heels can contribute to joint degeneration and knee osteoarthritis, which may help explain why osteoarthritis is twice as common in women as in men.
    "Any time you stop the foot from performing normally, and a high-heeled shoe does a perfect job of locking up the foot, it's going to increase the forces up the chain," says Casey Kerrigan, M.D., one of the first researchers to study the effects of high heels on the knees.
    Heels also throw your body's alignment out of whack. "When you wear heels, you change your center of balance, leading to increased curvature of your back," says Judy F. Baumhauer, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon and president of the AOFAS.
    This can lead to the discs in your spine breaking down, as well as muscle spasms and pain throughout the body, and yes, maybe even chronic headache or migraines.

    Saturday, 8 June 2013

    Coffee Risks

    Coffee Risks

    Caffeine dependency


    Over 1,000 chemicals have been reported in roasted coffee, and 19 are known rodent carcinogens;[53] however, most substances cited as rodent carcinogens occur naturally and should not be assumed to be carcinogenic in humans at exposure levels typically experienced in day-to-day life.[53] However, whole coffee extract is suspected to cause cancer of the human pancreas,[54] and there is limited evidence of a weak positive relationship between coffee consumption and bladder cancer in humans.[55] However, more recent follow-up studies to the 1981 study linking coffee consumption to pancreatic cancer have not found any link between coffee consumption and pancreatic cancer.[56] A recent meta-analysis based on 37 case-control and 17 cohort studies (10,594 cases)[57] provided quantitative evidence that coffee consumption was not appreciably related to pancreatic cancer risk, even at high intakes. No significant association between coffee consumption and the risk of gastric and/or pancreatic cancers was found in a more recent prospective study.[58]
    Instant coffee contains a much higher level of acrylamide than brewed coffee.[37]

    Gastrointestinal problems

    Coffee can damage the lining of the gastrointestinal organs, causing gastritis and ulcers. The consumption of coffee is therefore not recommended for people with gastritis, colitis, and ulcers.[59]

    Psychological effects and sleep changes

    Many coffee drinkers are familiar with "coffee jitters", a nervous condition that occurs when one has had too much caffeine. It can also cause anxiety and irritability, in some with excessive coffee consumption, and some as a withdrawal symptom.[60] Coffee can also cause insomnia in some. In others it can cause narcolepsy.[61] However an analysis of the Nurses' Health Study concluded depression rates among women decreased with increased consumption of caffeinated coffee.[62]
    Caffeine, a major component of coffee, has various psychological effects. A study from Johns Hopkins Medical School suggests that the perceived psychological benefits of caffeine are merely the result of eliminating withdrawal symptoms.[63] The author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 suggests that chronic caffeine consumption can lead to a decrease in emotional intelligence.[63]


    A 2007 study by the Baylor College of Medicine indicates that the diterpenes cafestol and kahweol, found only in coffee beans, may raise levels of low-density lipoprotein or LDL in humans.[64] This increase in LDL levels is an indicator that coffee raises cholesterol. The Baylor study suggests a possible link between cafestol, kahweol and higher levels of cholesterol in the body.
    Paper coffee filters have a property that binds to lipid-like compounds which allows the filter to remove most of the cafestol and kahweol found in coffee. Brew methods which do not use a paper filter, such as the use of a press pot, do not remove cafestol and kahweol from the final brewed product.[65][66]

    Blood pressure

    Caffeine has previously been implicated in increasing the risk of high blood pressure; however, recent studies on coffee consumption have not confirmed any association.[67] In a 12-year study of 155,000 female nurses, large amounts of coffee did not induce a "risky rise in blood pressure"[68] .[69] Previous studies had already shown statistically insignificant associations between coffee drinking and clinical hypertension. Effect of coffee on morbidity and mortality due to its effect on blood pressure is too weak, and has not been studied. Other positive and negative effects of coffee on health would be difficult confounding factors.[1]

    Effects on pregnancy

    Caffeine molecules are small enough to penetrate the placenta and slip into the baby's blood circulation. Unlike adults, organs and systems in fetuses are not full-fledged, therefore not capable of fully metabolizing caffeine and excreting it. The stimulant tends to linger in the fetus's blood ten times longer than in adults. High levels of caffeine are bound to accumulate in the baby's body with frequent maternal consumption of caffeine. Just like what it does to adults, caffeine could also send the baby's pulse and breathing rate racing and affect its sleep pattern for an extended duration.[70]
    A February 2003 Danish study of 18,478 women linked heavy coffee consumption during pregnancy to significantly increased risk of stillbirths (but no significantly increased risk of infant death in the first year). "The results seem to indicate a threshold effect around four to seven cups per day," the study reported. Those who drank eight or more cups a day (64 U.S. fl oz or 1.89 L) were at 220% increased risk compared with nondrinkers. This study has not yet been repeated, but has caused some doctors to caution against excessive coffee consumption during pregnancy.[71]
    Decaffeinated coffee is also regarded as a potential health risk to pregnant women when chemical solvents are used to extract the caffeine instead of other less invasive processes.[citation needed] The impact of these chemicals is debated, however, as the solvents in question evaporate at 80–90 °C, and coffee beans are decaffeinated before roasting, which occurs at approximately 200 °C. As such, these chemicals, namely trichloroethane and methylene chloride, are present in trace amounts at most, and may not pose a significant threat to embryos and fetuses.[citation needed]

    Iron deficiency anemia

    Coffee consumption can lead to, but is not the cause of iron deficiency anemia, especially in mothers and infants.[72] Coffee also interferes with the absorption of supplemental iron.[73] Interference with iron absorption is due to the polyphenols present in coffee. Four major classes were identified: flavan-3-ols (monomers and procyanidins), hydroxycinnamic acids, flavonols and anthocyanidins.[47]

    Coronary artery disease

    A 2004 study tried to discover why the beneficial and detrimental effects of coffee conflict. The study concluded that consumption of coffee is associated with significant elevations in biochemical markers of inflammation. This is a detrimental effect of coffee on the cardiovascular system, which may explain why coffee has so far only been shown to help the heart at levels of four cups (24 fl oz or 600 mL) or fewer per day.[74]
    The health risks of decaffeinated coffee have been studied, with varying results. One variable is the type of decaffeination process used; while some involve the use of organic solvents which may leave residual traces, others rely on steam.[citation needed]
    A study has shown that cafestol, a substance which is present in boiled coffee drinks, increases serum cholesterol levels, especially in women. Filtered coffee contains only trace amounts of cafestol.
    Polymorphisms in the CYP1A2 gene may lead to a slower metabolism of caffeine. In patients with a slow version of the enzyme the risk for myocardial infarction (heart attack) is increased by a third (2–3 cups) to two thirds (>4 cups). The risk was more marked in people under the age of 59.[75]
    A Harvard study conducted over the course of 20 years of 128,000 people published in 2006 concluded that there was no evidence to support the claim that coffee consumption itself increases the risk of coronary heart disease. The study did, however, show a correlation between heavy consumption of coffee and higher degrees of exposure to other coronary heart disease risk factors such as smoking, greater alcohol consumption, and lack of physical exercise.[76] The results apply only to coffee filtered through paper filters, which excludes boiled coffee and espresso, for example. Additionally, the lead researcher on this study acknowledged that subsets of the larger group may be at risk for heart attack when drinking multiple cups of coffee a day due to genetic differences in metabolizing caffeine.[citation needed]
    The Iowa Women's Health Study showed that women who consumed coffee actually had fewer cardiovascular disease incidents and lower cancer rates than the general population. For women who drank 6 or more cups, the benefit was even greater. However, this study excluded 35% of its original participants who already had cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases when the study began. Since participants were all over the age of 55, no good conclusion can be drawn about the long term effect of coffee drinking on heart disease from this study.[77]

    Interactions with medications

    Caffeine with Tylenol (Paracetamol, acetaminophen) may damage liver.[78]


    A link between heavy coffee drinking and increased risk of glaucoma was found in data from men and women in the Nurses Study and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study.[79]

    Friday, 7 June 2013

    Cancer: Why We're Still Dying to Know the Truth

    Cancer: Why We're Still Dying to Know the Truth

    The explosive overview of the news the world has waited to hear. This book exposes the ongoing establishment cover-up over Vitamin B17, the answer to cancer and its prevention. It further details the astonishing track record of amygdalin (laetrile) in its role within the combined cancer treatment known as Metabolic Therapy. Whether you have cancer, or are exercising prevention for you and your family, this is the book with big answers. Full details on treatment and prevention options are given, including how to obtain Metabolic Therapy kits and products.
    Find the truth most of the doctors does want you to know.

    Monday, 3 June 2013

    Check another work I did use the Heavy duty for my car's wheel.

    Another work I did

    Before Clean:

    In the Middle

    After Clean


    It's not like some chemical cleaner, it will damage your tire if you spill some on your tire. (let your tire easy to aging)

    How to do it?

    Because it is enzymes base. Spill some of the Heavy Duty on the heavy grease place, let it few minutes. then come back.
    Use the paper towel clear it. So easy and Save Time
    (Because it is hard to clean, so I just direct spill few on the tire ram cover, no water add to dilute it)

    Heavy Duty -   Enzymes - most powerful and nature way to do the clean.
    Leave no toxic in your house.
    • One bottle of Snap Heavy-Duty Concentrate replaces up to 16 bottles of the leading spot and stain remover.  -- Save $$$
    • No Special Smell --  ECO Friendly  
    • Enzymes  -- No harmful to your hand
    Primary Benefits of Snap™ Heavy-Duty Concentrate
  • One bottle replaces up to 16 bottles of the leading spot and stain remover
  • Excellent for steam cleaning carpets, removing grease, oil and rust
  • Cleans windows, screens, tile and grout, Formica and painted surfaces
  • Perfect for grills, stoves, ovens, and pots and pans

    New package:
    Snap Heavy Duty Concentrate
    Heavy Duty Concentrate  -    32Oz/940ml   -  Just for $9.95  --  Buy it online
    SNAP Serial - has more products for your house clean: 

    Check how does the Heavy duty to clean my fridge top with lot of grease, oil.

    This past Saturday I used this Heavy Duty to do the home clean.

    When I did half just think I should take some pictures


    Because it is enzymes base. Spill some of the Heavy Duty on the heavy grease place, let it few minutes. then come back.
    Use the paper towel clear it. So easy and Save Time
    (Because it is hard to clean, so I just direct spill few on the tire ram cover, no water add to dilute it)

    Heavy Duty -   Enzymes - most powerful and nature way to do the clean.
    Leave no toxic in your house.
    • One bottle of Snap Heavy-Duty Concentrate replaces up to 16 bottles of the leading spot and stain remover.  -- Save $$$
    • No Special Smell --  ECO Friendly  
    • Enzymes  -- No harmful to your hand
    Primary Benefits of Snap™ Heavy-Duty Concentrate
  • One bottle replaces up to 16 bottles of the leading spot and stain remover
  • Excellent for steam cleaning carpets, removing grease, oil and rust
  • Cleans windows, screens, tile and grout, Formica and painted surfaces
  • Perfect for grills, stoves, ovens, and pots and pans

    New package:
    Snap Heavy Duty Concentrate
    Heavy Duty Concentrate  -    32Oz/940ml   -  Just for $9.95  --  Buy it online