ACONITE (aconiti tuber, aconitum, radix aconiti) | Inflammation, joint pain, wounds, gout. | Toxicity, nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure, respiratory-system paralysis, heart-rhythm disorders, death. | Unsafe. Aconite is the most common cause of severe herbal poisoning in Hong Kong. |
BITTER ORANGE (aurantii fructus, Citrus aurantium, zhi shi) | Weight loss, nasal congestion, allergies. | Fainting, heart-rhythm disorders, heart attack, stroke, death. | Possibly unsafe. Contains synephrine, which is similar to ephedrine, banned by the FDA in 2004. Risks might be higher when taken with herbs that contain caffeine. |
CHAPARRAL (creosote bush, Larrea divaricata, larreastat) | Colds, weight loss, infections, inflammation, cancer, detoxification. | Liver damage, kidney problems. | Likely unsafe. The FDA advises people not to take chaparral. |
COLLOIDAL SILVER (ionic silver, native silver, Silver in suspending agent) | Fungal and other infections, Lyme disease, rosacea, psoriasis, food poisoning, chronic fatigue syndrome, HIV/AIDS. | Bluish skin, mucous membrane discoloration, neurological problems, kidney damage. | Likely unsafe. The FDA advised consumers about the risk of discoloration on Oct. 6, 2009. |
COLTSFOOT (coughwort, farfarae folium leaf, foalswort) | Cough, sore throat, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma. | Liver damage, cancer. | Likely unsafe. |
COMFREY (blackwort, common comfrey, slippery root) | Cough, heavy menstrual periods, chest pain, cancer. | Liver damage, cancer. | Likely unsafe. The FDA advised manufacturers to remove comfrey products from the market in July 2001. |
COUNTRY MALLOW (heartleaf, Sida cordifolia, silky white mallow) | Nasal congestion, allergies, asthma, weight loss, bronchitis. | Heart attack, heart arrhythmia, stroke, death. | Likely unsafe. Possible dangers linked with its ephedrine alkaloids banned by the FDA in 2004. |
GERMANIUM (Ge, Ge-132, germanium-132) | Pain, infections, glaucoma, liver problems, arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease, HIV/AIDS, cancer. | Kidney damage, death. | Likely unsafe. The FDA warned in 1993 that it was linked to serious adverse events. |
GREATER CELANDINE (celandine, chelidonii herba, Chelidonium majus) | Upset stomach, irritable bowel syndrome, liver disorders, detoxification, cancer. | Liver damage. | Possibly unsafe. |
KAVA (awa, Piper methysticum, kava-kava) | Anxiety (possibly effective). | Liver damage. | Possibly unsafe. The FDA issued a warning to consumers in March 2002. Banned in Germany, Canada, and Switzerland. |
LOBELIA (asthma weed, Lobelia inflata, pukeweed, vomit wort) | Coughing, bronchitis, asthma, smoking cessation (possibly ineffective). | Toxicity; overdose can cause fast heartbeat, very low blood pressure, coma, possibly death. | Likely unsafe. The FDA warned in 1993 that it was linked to serious adverse events. |
YOHIMBE (yohimbine, Corynanthe yohimbi, Corynanthe johimbi) | Aphrodisiac, chest pain, diabetic complications, depression; erectile dysfunction (possibly effective). | Usual doses can cause high blood pressure, rapid heart rate; high doses can cause severe low blood pressure, heart problems, death. | Possibly unsafe for use without medical supervision because it contains a prescription drug, yohimbine. The FDA warned in 1993 that reports of serious adverse events were under investigation. |