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Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Isotonix® Digestive Enzymes with Probiotics

Isotonix® Digestive Enzymes with Probiotics

Primary Benefits of Isotonix® Digestive Enzymes with Probiotics:
isotonix digestive
  • · Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels
  • · May help ease occasional stomach upset
  • · Promotes digestion and absorption of nutrients
  • · Provides enzymes and good bacteria that promote the absorption of nutrients
  • · Supports a healthy digestive tract
  • · Supports healthy immune functions
What Makes Isotonix® Digestive Enzymes with Probiotics Unique?
Enzymes are important for the body’s proper absorption and utilization of food. Over time, the body’s ability to make certain enzymes reduces as part of the natural aging process. Many scientists now believe that maintaining normal levels of key enzymes is important to maintaining overall health. Enzymes are responsible for every activity of life. Digestive and metabolic are the two primary classifications of enzymes within the body. Proteases (aids in digesting protein), amylases (aids in digesting carbohydrates), and lipases (aids in digesting fats) are the three primary digestive enzymes, which function as the biological catalyst to breaking down food. In today’s world of processed and fast foods, the body must work harder to break down food and absorb the nutrients. Poor eating habits, such as improper or inadequate chewing and eating on the run contribute to reduced levels of digestive enzymes. In addition to a reduction in essential enzymes, poor eating habits, some medications and illness deplete the body’s probiotics, which are necessary for maintaining a healthy digestive tract and promoting a healthy immune system.

Isotonix® Digestive Enzyme Formula with Probiotics is an isotonic-capable food supplement that is made from a combination of DigeZyme®, a blend of amylase, protease, cellulase, lactase, and lipase, and Lactospore®, the probiotic Lactobacillus sporogenes, and potassium, magnesium, maltase and sucrase, designed to replenish essential digestive enzymes and probiotics, contributing to good digestive health. Isotonix Digestive Enzyme Formula helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels, promotes digestion and absorption of nutrients, supports a healthy digestive tract, supports a healthy immune system and may help ease occasional stomach upset. DigeZyme® is a multi-enzyme complex consisting mainly of amylase (starch hydrolyzing enzyme), protease (protein hydrolyzing enzyme) and lipase (fat hydrolyzing enzymes). In addition to these, it also contains cellulase (that hydrolyzes cellulose) and lactase (that hydrolyzes lactose). The enzymes in this complex are of microbial origin (fungal amylase, lipase, lactase, cellulase; and a bacterial neutral protease). The product is therefore entirely of non-animal origin. Lactospore®, a preparation containing viable spores of L. sporogenes, L. sporogenes preparations have been used in successful clinical trials in the management of gastrointestinal issues, mild lactose intolerance and supporting healthy immune functions.
Buy it now from SHOP.COM: http://www.shop.com/johningrid/Isotonix+reg+Digestive+Enzymes+with+Probiotics-561800354-p+.xhtml

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Isotonix Calcium Plus

Isotonix Calcium Plus vergagluten

Primary Benefits of Isotonix Calcium Plus Unique*:
  • Essential for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth
  • May assist in prevention of osteoporosis
  • Assists in relief of minor PMS symptoms
Cashback: 0.37
What Makes Isotonix Calcium Plus Unique?13009
Calcium is essential for building and maintaining strong bones. For optimal bone health, Isotonix™ Calcium Plus delivers three-quarters of the recommended daily value of calcium and vitamin C in an efficient solution that is readily absorbed by the body. In most cases, calcium tablets are difficult for the body to absorb. One cause may be that the calcium supplement is not blended with Vitamin D and magnesium; these are necessary to aid the body in the absorption and use of calcium.

Even if the calcium supplement tablet is correctly blended, it may be difficult for the body to utilize or break down the calcium. One explanation may be that many calcium brands use calcium from eggshell or oyster shell. These may not be well absorbed by the body. Another reason calcium may not be absorbed from a tablet is because of a binding agent known as DCP, which is a binding agent is used to hold the tablet together. DCP does not break down in the body. Additionally, manufacturers are not required to disclose the use of DCP. In addition to binders, some calcium supplements may have additives such as chlorine, shellac and other potentially hazardous chemicals. Even assuming no binders are used in the calcium tablet, the body must still break down a hard-pressed tablet into a usable form. If the tablet cannot be broken down sufficiently in the stomach, then the calcium will not be absorbed. If you cannot break down the calcium, you can end up with problems such as unabsorbed particles floating around inside the body. This may lead to kidney stones and painful joints, not to mention you are not getting enough calcium, so your bones are being robbed of calcium to support bodily functions.

Isotonix Calcium Plus provides the body with an advanced, cost-effective and generous 750 mg dose of calcium through an optimized blend of calcium, vitamin D3, magnesium, vitamin C and boron. Vitamin D3 acts to stimulate the production of calcium binding and transport proteins that help move calcium across cell membranes and store the mineral inside the cells.

Isotonic, which means "same pressure," bears the same chemical resemblance of the body's blood, plasma and tears. All fluids in the body have a certain concentration, referred to as osmotic pressure. The body's common osmotic pressure, which is isotonic, allows a consistent maintenance of body tissues. In order for a substance to be absorbed and used in the body's metabolism, it must be transported in isotonic fluids.

Isotonix dietary supplements are delivered in a solution similar in constitution to the body's own naturally produced isotonic fluids. This similarity of pH and osmotic pressure means that the body has less work to do in order to convert the solution into a state ready for maximum absorption — greatly decreasing the amount of time and work necessary to absorb a supplement. The isotonic state of the suspension allows nutrients to pass directly into the small intestine and be rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. With Isotonix products, little nutritive value is lost, making the absorption of nutrients highly efficient while delivering maximum results.
*This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Buy it now from SHOP.COM:


Isotonix® VITAMIN C

Isotonix® VITAMIN C vergagluten

Primary Benefits of Isotonix® Vitamin C Unique*:
  • · Helps to maintain eyesight, skin, membranes and immune function
  • · Helps to maintain good health
  • · Aids in wound healing and in the normal development and maintenance of bones, cartilage, teeth and gums
What Makes Isotonix® Vitamin C?13009
Vitamin C plays a significant role in a variety of metabolic functions. It strengthens the immune system and helps in the synthesis of bones, cartilage, teeth and gums. Market America’s Isotonix™ Vitamin C sets itself apart from other vitamin C products on the market and offers superior delivery with maximum results. The two most important factors when searching for the best quality nutritional supplements are absorption and potency. Isotonix supplements, when mixed with water, have the same pH and osmotic pressure as the body’s fluids, such as tears, plasma and blood. In order for meaningful absorption of nutritional content to take place, all food must be converted into an isotonic state. This process could take up to three hours. This time-consuming process limits the amount of nutrients absorbed by the body. However, our Isotonix Vitamin C sets itself apart from other products on the market, providing you with the maximum absorption of the nutrients within the product in the shortest amount of time.

All in all, Isotonix Vitamin C provides superior delivery of the nutrients your body needs in the most cost effective way. According to researchers at the University of Leeds, Guy’s Hospital in London, Baylor University and the Mayo Clinic, among others, have shown that not only do isotonic solutions leave the stomach faster, but the osmotic pressure of the stomach contents is one of the controlling mechanisms for the rate at which the stomach empties, leading to more efficient assimilation by all of the body’s systems. The liquid composition of Isotonix Vitamin C Formula places the vitamins and minerals in an optimal position for absorption and superior delivery to the body’s systems. Isotonix Vitamin C is an exemplary product that leaves you with peace of mind, knowing that you are doing the most and the best for your health.

Buy it now from shop.com save 2% : http://www.shop.com/johningrid/Isotonix+reg+Vitamin+C-561800360-p+.xhtml

Isotonix® Vitamin D with K2:

Isotonix® Vitamin D with K2:

Primary Benefits of Isotonix® Vitamin D with K2:
  • Promotes normal bone mineral density
  • Promotes healthy arteries
  • Supports immune health
  • Helps maintain bone health
  • Helps maintain bone mass by supporting normal osteoclast activity
  • Helps maintain cardiovascular health
  • Promotes elasticity of blood vessels
  • Helps maintain normal blood pressure
  • Women with low bone density have been found to be deficient in vitamin K
What Makes Isotonix® Vitamin D with K2 Unique?13009
Isotonix Vitamin D with K2 contains vitamin D3, the metabolically active form of vitamin D, along with vitamin K2, a form of vitamin K which supports vascular health and calcium utilization. Vitamin D plays an important role in bone health, heart health and immune support while working with vitamin K to support normal absorption of calcium and promote healthy arteries. Isotonix Vitamin D is the first of its kind to deliver both of these powerful vitamins with isotonic delivery.

Vitamin K is included in Isotonix Vitamin D with K2 because of its unique partnership with vitamin D. Vitamins K and D work together to support calcium absorption and utilization. Vitamin K supports the normal delivery of calcium to the bones and promotes healthy arteries.
At least two naturally occurring forms of vitamin K have been identified and are known as K1 and K2. While there are many similarities between these two forms of vitamin K, they are distinguished by their important differences.

The most significant difference between K1 and K2 is their chemical structure, which results in different pharmacokinetic properties.    
Vitamin K1 is retained primarily in the liver where, at high doses, it may interfere with the action of warfarin and other anticoagulant medications. 

Vitamin K2 has a different mechanism of action. It is transported primarily to bones and blood vessels.  
Vitamin K2 helps to maintain bone mass, support calcium utilization and promote elasticity of blood vessels.

Some studies have concluded that vitamin K2 does not interfere with anticoagulant medications.* However, most products containing vitamin K (including K1 and/or K2) warn users taking anticoagulants not to take the product.  
If you are currently taking warfarin or another anticoagulant medication, you should consult your physician before taking any product containing vitamin K1 or K2.

Isotonix dietary supplements are delivered in an isotonic solution. This means that the body has less work to do to obtain maximum absorption of the nutrients. The isotonic state of the suspension allows nutrients to pass directly into the small intestine and rapidly absorb into the bloodstream. With Isotonix products, little nutritive value is lost, making the absorption of nutrients highly efficient while delivering maximum results.

Buy it now from SHOP.COM save 2% :  http://www.shop.com/johningrid/Isotonix+reg+Vitamin+D+with+K2-561800345-p+.xhtml

Friday, 15 June 2012




Isotonix OPC-3: Is This Miracle Supplement Worth Your Money?

(company internet policy. some information can't be list)
Isotonix® OPC-3®



The Advantage of Isotonix Products

  • 1. Nutrients are not exposed to acidie environment of stomach ,where they would otherwise degrade.  Customer money is not wasted.
  • 2. Reduce delivery time.  Minutes to uptake not hours.
  • 3. Carbon dioxide created by the effervescent reaction reduces the thickness and viscosity of the mucus layer of the intestinal tract. Promoting absorption into cells.
  • 4. Favorable concentrtion gradient for absorption of some nutrients: calcium, magnesium.
  • Nutrients are delivered to the small intestine in a concentrated solution.
  • 5. Isotonix solution is the optimal delivery system. Isotonix products work with not against - normal body physiology.
  • 6. Isotonix offer an alternative to pills.
              Survey shows 40% America adults have experienced difficulty swallowing pills.
  • 7. People with stomach and esophageal chanllenges benifit from isotonix delivery.
Why isotonix?
All Fluids in the human body have a certain concentration, which is called the osmotic pressure.
The body’s common osmotic pressure – which is isotonic – allows a consistent maintenance of all body tissures. In order for a substance to be used in the body’s metabolism, it must be changed to the isotonic state.

The longer the digestive process, the more likely substances lose nutritive value!

When an isotonic substance enters the body, It will be sent directly to the small intestine.
It’s nutrients are rapidly absorbed. So you receive the maximum benefits!

Isotonix mean rapid absorption less nutritive loss.

With isotonix fluids, little nutritive value is lost making the absorption of nutrients highly efficient.    It can be reached over 95%.

An isotonic fluid is nature’s own nutrient delivery system. What could be more natural?
Isotonic vs Stantard Tablet

Rapid gastric emptying is the key to rapid absorption and maximum results.
J.N. Hunt, "Mechanisms and Disorders of Gastric Emptying,� Annual Review of Medicine 34 (February 1983): 219-29.

See the difference:


Adult Antioxidant Product Comparison:

Quality Ingredients
Natural Flavor
Serving per Container
Total Cost
Market America
Isotonix OPC-3
$ 69.95
Super OPC 7
$ 33.99
Ultra OPC
$ 30.00
$ 39.95
Enhanced OPC
$ 58.00

Read more:

When we eat food, drink a beverage, or ingest most nutritional supplements, the stomach must secrete diluting juices, enzymes, hydrochloric acid, and at least one vitamin-binding protein to begin the process of digestion. This process requires both energy and time about 40 minutes or more, depending on the size of the meal. Isotonix products are delivered into the small intestine nutritionally concentrated, maximizing the opportunity for absorption of nutrients across cell membranes.Isotonix products are usually taken on an empty stomach, dramatically shortening the transit time through the stomach. This minimizes the chance that important micronutrients will be trapped by fats, fibres, and tannins or inactivated by a highly acidic pH level which can neutralize the nutritional value; The solution can then flow into the small intestine, where a small volume of pancreatic digestive juice mixes with it, adding sodium bicarbonate to adjust the pH to neutral, thereby maximizing the potential uptake of micronutrients.

Faster Delivery Means Faster Results!

Isotonic solutions offer the fastest and most efficient delivery of all oral forms of nutritional supplementation of product nutrients into the Bloodstream. The health conscious consumer maximizes his dollars spend for nutrient supplements by choosing Isotonix.Isotonix products do not linger in the stomach. Since isotonic fluids pass through the digestive process and are rapidly absorbed into the blood stream, much gastrointestinal discomfort can be avoided. Isotonic products are not encapsulated or compacted into a "form". There is no need for fillers, binders, coatings, lubricants, disintegrators or artificial colouring. With Isotonic products; There is no guesswork involved. You can be assured that when used as directed, you are getting the exact amount of nutrients shown in the exact isotonic state desired. The delivery efficiency of Isotonix helps to ensure that maximum benefits are derived from the supplements. Because the nutrients arrive at the absorption site more rapidly and highly concentrated, excellent use of the nutrients should be achieved;

Isotonic, which means “same pressure,” bears the same chemical resemblance of the body’s blood, plasma and tears. All fluids in the body have a certain concentration, referred to as osmotic pressure. The body’s common osmotic pressure, which is isotonic, allows a consistent maintenance of body tissues. In order for a substance to be absorbed and used in the body’s metabolism, it must be transported in an isotonic state.
Isotonix dietary supplements are delivered in an isotonic solution. This means that the body has less work to do to in obtaining maximum absorption. The isotonic state of the suspension allows nutrients to pass directly into the small intestine and be rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. With Isotonix products, little nutritive value is lost, making the absorption of nutrients highly efficient while delivering maximum results.

Note: These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
                                                           It is recommended that nutrient supplements be administered in an isotonic form - Jim Wilmer, PhD
Isotonix Products

There is only one Isotonix® - Market America Isotonix®
To see the X-ray picture for tablet Calcium in your body

Isotonix OPC-3® Benefit

Isotonix OPC-3® Benefit

According company internet policy , we can't list the benifit here.
Please find the benifits in this book.  

Or you can contact us. 

To see what are the benefits of OPC
<< OPCs- Harvesting Nature's Anti-Aging Bounty>>

---2002 Dr. Robert Goldman & Dr. Ronald Klatz



OPC-Health Benefits