Oligomeric proanthocyanidins ...
OPC ... a product commonly derived from one or more
of a combination of grape seed extract, red wine extract and/or pine bark
extract. OPCs are very powerful bioflavonoids used as a natural
food supplement. Often referred to as Pycnogenols® ... the name given to these
supplements by Jacques Masquelier, a University of Bordeaux, France professor
and scientist... and trademarked by Horphag Overseas Limited of Geneva,
Switzerland. OPC has been shown to have powerful "free-radical" scavenging
activity. They are non-toxic, bioavailable, water
soluble bioflavanoids.
Complex organic plant compounds
found mostly in fruits, vegetables and certain tree barks. They are powerful
antioxidants, "free-radical scavengers" and function as helpers to influence the
body immune response to inflammation, allergy and infection. There are more than
20,000 different types of bioflavanoids, of which OPC's are considered the most
potent antioxidants.
What does bioflavanoids
to be absorbed into the body.
Compounds that protect our cells
and tissues from damaging interactions with oxygen free-radicals. Well known
antioxidant nutrients include A, C, E, zinc, selenium and betacarotene. These
nutrients bolster the action of our natural defense
How powerful are "OPC"
They are 20 times more powerful
than vitamin C and 50 times more powerful than vitamin E. They are non-toxic and
cross the blood-brain barrier
Are Oligomeric
Proanthocyanidins (OPCs) safe?
Absolutely! OPC's have been used for over 20
years throughout Europe. Extensive studies and laboratory testing reveal no
evidence for human toxicity, allergic reactions, birth defects, or
What are some sources of
seed extract is a superior source of OPC, containing 92% active ingredients and
pine bark contains 84% of the active OPC ingredient.
Can I take Vitamins with an
OPC supplement?
OPC works synergistically with vitamins. OPC potentates vitamin C and
regenerates vitamin E (spent in the fight against
How many common ailments
have OPC's helped?
have experienced recoveries, reversals, remission and relief from at least 60
different common ailments after taking OPC's.
Are OPC supplements a cure
for anything?
OPC's do not cure anything... What they do is help the body to neutralize the
invasion of free-radicals. Your body has the amazing
ability to heal itself, if it is functioning properly. When free-radicals
are controlled, the body can function the way it was meant to... and will heal
What causes free radicals?
Environmental pollution, food
additives, high fat diet, excessive alcohol, smoking and passive smoke
inhalation, burns, infection, stress, radiation and nutrient
How much damage can be
caused by free radicals?
lot... They attack all body tissues, degrade collagen and reprogram DNA.
Free-radicals have been said to be the underlying cause in almost every
Is free-radical damage
Free-radical damage or oxidative stress is very real. Everyone is subjected to
it. Free-radicals have been directly linked to premature aging, arthritis,
circulatory disorders, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, heart disease,
arteriosclerosis and many other disorders.
Should you take "Super
Antioxidan" supplements?
Antioxidants protect you against
the harmful and destructive effects of free-radical damage. If you don't have
adequate protection against these free-radicals, you are very likely to age
faster and experience otherwise avoidable health problems. OPC antioxidants are powerful, natural, free-radical neutralizers. You
may be well advised to start taking an OPC Super Antioxidant today... and for
In principle, what is OPC
good for ?
OPC is probably the most versatile
nutrient ever discovered. It is the most active free
radical scavenging antioxidant known. It helps protects against all sorts of
degenerative conditions. It has especially been researched for circulatory
problems. Research pointed out that OPC is what makes the "French Paradox" work.
With the "French Paradox" scientists indicate that they wonder why the French
have a much lower cardiovascular mortality than e.g. Americans. The answer to
the paradox was found in the consumption of red wine, especially in the
consumption of one substance in the red wine: OPC. One of the greatest values of
OPC is its ability to preserve and protect collagen and elastin. Collagen and
elastin are important structural constituents of the vascular wall, skin and
connective tissues including ligaments, tendons and others. Collagen and elastin
contribute to the elasticity of all these tissues.
Does OPC also lower
cholesterol ?
prevents the fixation of cholesterol to the elastin in the blood vessels. Thus,
OPC inhibits cholesterol deposits in the vascular wall. Moreover, OPC has a
vitamin C sparing effect. Vitamin C helps the body to get rid of an excess of
cholesterol, so indirectly OPC helps the body to monitor cholesterol levels.
Moreover, since OPC is an antioxidant, OPC inhibits the formation of the bad
type of cholesterol (LDL) that easily fixes itself to the vascular
May pregnant women take
Yes, they may. In fact, with Dr. Masquelier's
grape seed extract clinical studies have been performed, in which pregnant women
who were troubled by varicose veins and other circulatory problems in the legs
took OPC. The product worked very well.
Does OPC help against
Masquelier says: "The Dutch MD, who speaks in the OPC in Practice video-tape,
evokes the healing aspect of OPC and he takes a position of prudence. He
considers that one should wait for a stabilization of the disease before
employing the OPC. On my part, I contemplate the preventative aspect, and I
advise the use of OPC as a health and dietary measure for people who are in good
condition, but whose familial background might be disquieting. In this case, OPC
works on two levels:
"it inhibits the destruction of collagen by certain
enzymes (e.g. hyaluronidase), in such a way that a nascent cancerous lesion
rests localised and is thus accessible for surgery without the fear of
"it stimulates the
immune defenses of the organism. We know that a weakness of these
defenses can lead to an outburst of cancerous conditions."
Why should I recommend you take the
Isotonix OPC-3?
Better delivery will get better results.
"There are
numerous OPC formulations on the market. An Isotonic formula, when properly
mixed with specific amount of water, ensures a more complete and more rapid
absorption into the small intestine. As a result, we feel more of the beneficial
ingredients are absorbed into your system without the degradation that can occur
through the natural digestive process." -- By Dr. Ronald Klatz
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