What is Shop.com?
Shop.com, a Monterey, California-based comparison shopping service backed by Bill Gates and Amazon.com. Gates' involvement with Shop.com goes way back, with the billionaire listed as one of the company's founding investors in 1997. The invertors include Amazon, Yahoo and Oak Investment Partners.
Shop.com has been sold to Market America at end of 2011.
Shop.com is like a amazon. It's combine so many retail stores to sell products online. It includes two king of serial products: Exclusive Market America products and Partner Stores products (retailers).
Good for customer:
- Customer can comparison shopping products at shop.com: Let customer can find the better deal on one site.
- Market America offer customer 2%~50% cash back on Exclusive Market America products and Partner Stores products.
- Offer OneCart® Your Universal Shopping Cart ( Some partners store share the information with shop.com, they can add their items on the same website.)
- Over 3500 partner stores in USA and Canada.
- Still has less retailer stores in Canada
- Retailer can apply to join shop.com
- No fee will need to pay.
- Direct face to over 180000 distributors (loyalty cusotmers too) and over 3 millions register customers.
- Market America will ask you to offer some cash back csutomer.
Retailer website:
- Need you have e-commerce website.
Start shop now: shop.com
Ture about Market Ameica. (2010 data)
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