Live Product Testimonials in Spanish |
Maria Alejandra Vazquez, Testimonio sobre diabetes (diabetes testimonie) opc3, level90, greens, isochrome | Rachel Seqovia, Testimonio sobre Diabetes (diabetes testimonie), opc3 (cut off), multivitmin, isochrome, level 90 | Carla's husband, Paul Gomez, Alta presi髇 (high blood pressure) opc3 |
Carlos抯 wife. Cancer. Quimioterapia y radiaci髇. (Cancer,
chemiotherapy and radiation) CoQ10 omega calc green pentxyl | Carlos Moreno. Alta presi髇 y colesterol (High blood pressure and
cholesterol), heart health, gene SNP, opc3 | Carlos Moreno. Negocio. (business) first 3 month earned $300 and
finished paycycle 4th month |
Maritza vargas. Fibromialgia (fibromyalgia) opc3, mulitech, oxygen extreme | Elsa and husband - Diabetes, Hemorroides, Tumor (Omega III, OPC3) | Fibroma en el seno (NutriClean, OPC3, ORAC) - Fibroma or Breast Lump |
Mom, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law all have high cholestrol. mom cholestrol was 360 after taking heart health one and a half month later normal. 2 year old hyperactive daughter was more calm after taking children's multivitamin Might-A-Min, a little bit opc3. Colesterol (Heart health), ni馻 hiperactiva (dos anos de edad), vitaminas para ni駉s, aloe juice y un poquito de OPC3. |
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