What is your Health Status?

What is your Health Status?
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Sunday, 10 March 2013

Health & Well Being – Natural Health & Nutrition Seminar - PH LEVEL

Health & Well Being – Natural Health & Nutrition Seminar


The Two Basic Principles in Natural Health

  • 1. Feeding and nourishing the body systems
  • 2. Cleansing and removing toxins from the bodythe body

pH Levels
  • pH is the degree of acidity or alkalinity in a solution. pH stan stands for particles of Hydrogen or power of Hydrogen Hydrogen. The maintenance of a stable hydrogen ion concentration in the body fluids is essential to life.
  • 90 percent of the population are usually too acidic

What causes pH imbalance?

  • A high protein diet (70 70-80% protein; 20 20-30% carbs)
  • High levels of stress
  • Highly processed foods (containing preservatives)
  • High amounts of sugar in your diet

Foods that affect pH Levels

Alkaline Forming:
  • – Fruits
  • – Vegetables
  • – Brazil nuts, coconut and almonds
  • – Soybeans
  • – Lima beans
  • – Sprouted grains and seeds

Acid Forming:

  • – Grains (unsprouted)
  • – All poultry, fish, meats and eggs
  • – Sugar and syrup, except honey
  • – Nuts
  • – Legumes
To maintain proper alkaline levels, eat 80 percent of your diet from the alkaline food list and 20 percent from the acid food list!

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Boil Water Advisories

The City of Waterloo issues boil water advisories to notify you that our water supply is unsafe to drink.

How to treat water

There are a number of ways you can make tap water safe to drink while a boil water advisory is in effect.
  • Boil water in a pot for at least one minute. Or choose a kettle with an automatic shutoff feature and make sure the cord is not bare or frayed. Improve the flat taste by pouring the water from one container into another or by letting it stand for a few hours.
  • Chlorinate water by adding 1¼ millilitres (¼ teaspoon) of liquid household bleach, such as Javex, that is not lemon-scented or fabric-safe to 4½ litres (one gallon) of water. Mix well and let stand for 15 minutes. This treatment will not kill parasites.
Treated water should be stored in food-grade containers and refrigerated. Use it within three days. Alternatives to treating your water include bottled water or municipal water if you are on a well.

After the advisory

The Region of Waterloo's public health department will lift the boil water advisory when the water is safe. At that time, there are a few things you should do around your home.
  • Run cold water from your faucets for one minute before using the water
  • Run your water softener through a regeneration cycle
  • Drain and refill hot-water heaters set below 45 C (normal setting is 60 C)
  • Flush all garden hoses by running cold water through them for one minute
  • Backwash pool filters and change media or water

More information

Topic 2:

The claim has the ring of a myth. But environmental scientists say it is real.

The reason is that hot water dissolves contaminants more quickly than cold water, and many pipes in homes contain lead that can leach into water. And lead can damage the brain and nervous system, especially in young children.

Lead is rarely found in source water, but can enter it through corroded plumbing. The Environmental Protection Agency says that older homes are more likely to have lead pipes and fixtures, but that even newer plumbing advertised as “lead-free” can still contain as much as 8 percent lead. A study published in The Journal of Environmental Health in 2002 found that tap water represented 14 to 20 percent of total lead exposure.

Scientists emphasize that the risk is small. But to minimize it, the E.P.A. says cold tap water should always be used for preparing baby formula, cooking and drinking. It also warns that boiling water does not remove lead but can actually increase its concentration. More information is at www.epa.gov/lead or (800) 424-5323 (LEAD).

Hot water from the tap should never be used for cooking or drinking.


Topic 3:

Note: Boiling is a useful method for killing bacteria and other living organisms during emergencies,
but is not recommended for long-term use. Boiling may kill germs, but dirt, sediment, dissolved
solids, bad taste or odor remain – as well as possible chemical contamination and acidity

Tap water

Tap water contains various contaminants in levels permitted by the local authority, with overall
guidelines set by the federal and local governments, for example, the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency and Health Canada. If you live in the U.S. you can learn about the water
supplied by your local authority by going to http://www.epa.gov/safewater/dwinfo/index.html
In larger doses, the harmful effects of many of these contaminants are well-established; many are
carcinogens. However, the long-term effects of drinking these contaminants at permitted levels
are either not known, not been thoroughly researched, or are thought to be harmful — but still
controversial. There can be over 2000 contaminants in a glass of water.

These contaminants may include:
  • • Residues of herbicides, insecticides, pesticides and other organic chemicals
  • • Chlorine and trihalomethanes (THMs)
  • • Heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, cadmium and aluminum
  • • Fluoride
  • • Sulfates
  • • Nitrates
  • • Radioactive elements
  • • Asbestos
As mentioned earlier, properly treated municipal water and water from tested wells are generally
free of harmful pathogens such as e.coli, and various protozoans. That said, there is still
generally present in most tap water, varying levels of non-pathogenic bacteria, cysts and viruses.
For a complete list of common contaminants, see:
Of equal or greater concern is this: the U.S. National Resource Defense Council recently found
that 43% of all water systems (affecting 120 million people) violated federal health standards.
And, if you live in the country, run-off from farms, mining operations and feed lots may be
lacing your well water with carcinogens like pesticides and nitrates.
Tap water can range from acid to neutral to mildly alkaline (pH 4.3-7.7), which means it can
either add further acidity to the body, or in some cases be very mildly neutralizing.
Municipal tap water has no antioxidant properties, in fact is strongly oxidizing. Any antioxidant
properties that may have been present in its original natural sources have been dissipated through
contact with environmental pollutants, plastic and metal pipes, and the municipal treatment
Municipal tap water contains sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and trace minerals in
small amounts; however the calcium and magnesium are chiefly in the form of carbonates, often
added to the water after the chlorination process. These carbonates are less available to the
digestive system. Unfortunately, acid minerals, such as sulfates and chlorides are in equal
The taste of tap water is often “sour” due to the presence of chlorine and acid minerals.
The cost of tap water is the lowest. In municipal systems, it can be as low as one-tenth of a cent
per liter (quart).

Comparing Bottled Water to Filtered Water

Save money and GO GREEN!

Switching from bottled water to home water filtration is one of the fastest, easiest and most impactful steps we can take to save money and help the planet!

The facts are clear:

  • Home water filtration offers better quality water than bottled.
  • Home water filtration is 1/10th the cost of bottled.
  • Home water filtration is far more convenient, “Pure water on tap!”
  • Home water filtration is virtually pollution free!
Over 60,000,000 plastic bottles a day are disposed of in U.S. landfills from bottled water use.
Other than the direct impact of 30 billion plastic bottles a year being disposed of in U.S. landfills alone, bottled water negatively impacts our environment in many other ways. 17 billion barrels of oil are used each year to produce the 30 billion plastic bottles, producing some 2.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide pollution. It takes three times the amount of water to produce the bottle as it does to fill it.

Not to mention the pollution from transporting heavy loads of bottled water all over the World!
Adding in transportation, the annual energy resources used on bottled water production and distribution comes to over 50 million barrels of oil, the equivalent to run 3 million cars for a year.

And for what benefit?
Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent each week by bottled water companies to create the perception that bottled water comes from some magical pristine mountain spring or pure underground aquifer.

The plain truth is that most bottled water is little more than tap water in a bottle. The Federal regulations (FDA) that govern the quality of bottled water only apply if it is transported across state lines, and only require it to be “as good as” tap water, not better. 60-70% of bottled water companies bottle and sell the water in the same state to avoid Federal purity standards, thus avoiding complying with basic health standards, such as those that apply to municipally treated tap water! There are no assurances or requirements that bottled water be any safer or better than tap water.

The U.S. FDA says: “Companies that promote bottled water as being safer than tap water are defrauding the American public.”

In March of 1999, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) released a report called “Bottled Water: Pure Drink or Pure Hype?”

City tap water can have no confirmed E.Coli or fecal coliform bacteria. FDA bottled water rules include no such prohibition (a certain amount of any type of coliform bacteria is allowed in bottled water).

City tap water, from surface water, must be filtered and disinfected. In contrast, there are no federal filtration or disinfection requirements for bottled water.

Most cities using surface water have had to test for Cryptosporidium or Giardia, two common water pathogens, that can cause diarrhea and other intestinal problems, yet bottled water companies have no such test.

City tap water must meet standards for certain important toxic or cancer-causing chemicals, such as phthalate (a chemical that can leach from plastic, including plastic bottles); some in the industry persuaded FDA to exempt bottled water from the regulations regarding these chemicals.

City water systems must issue annual “right to know” reports, telling consumers what is in their water. Bottlers successfully killed a “right to know” requirement for bottled water.

“Therefore, while much tap water is indeed risky, having compared available data, we conclude that there is no assurance that bottled water is any safer than tap water.” — The Natural Resources

Defense Council

The reality is that people pay from $1 to $4 a gallon for the perception of higher quality, when in fact, the quality of bottled water is at best an “unknown”!

Home water purification is by far the most economical, most convenient and most effective way of producing high quality, healthy water…and it’s the Green Solution!

Filtering out the chlorine, lead and other contaminants with a quality home water filtration system, at the point of use, just prior to consumption, is the best way to know for sure about the quality of your drinking water. It’s also the most economical and the most environmentally responsible. It’s the right choice!

Do we need a water filter?

Never before has the need been greater for quality home water purification.
America’s tap water is contaminated with toxic heavy metals, synthetic organic chemicals, chlorination by-products, biological parasites and virtually thousands of harmful contaminants.
“E.P.A. reports show that U.S. water supplies contain over 2300 cancer causing chemicals…” – Ralph Nader Research Group
Studies also show that bottled water isn’t any purer than tap water, it simply costs more. Most quality home water purification products can provide water far superior to bottled water, at a fraction of the cost and in the convenience of your own home. The intention of this site is to promote the use of home water filtration, show what products are available and how to determine which ones are the best. Our goal is to also increase basic awareness of this critically important subject.
In America’s highly industrialized society we use over 80,000 toxic chemicals every day, and over 1000 new ones are being developed every year. We are learning the hard way that all of the chemicals we use, will ultimately show up in the water we drink. There is no “new water”, this planet keeps recycling the same water over and over. As we use more synthetic chemicals, the levels in our water supplies increases proportionately.

In contrast to popular belief, our water treatment facilities were not designed to take out synthetic organic chemicals and toxic heavy metals like lead. Municipal water treatment today is essentially the same as it was over 100 years ago, the water is flown through sand beds to remove visible particles and then bleach (chlorine) is added to kill most of the bacteria! We do not filter out the synthetic chemicals!
75 years ago, before all of these chemicals were present in our environment, 1 out of 50 Americans would get cancer in their lives… now, 1 in 3 Americans… 1 in 2 males, will become cancer victims! 1 in 8 women get breast cancer, childhood cancers have increased 300% in just the last 20 years… and much of this can be linked to the accumulation of man made chemicals in our body.
Cancer is not natural, it’s a man made disease, and for the most part… completely preventable. The purity of our water is one of the most critical factors in the prevention of cancer and other degenerative diseases. Water is our body’s only means of purifying its self. If our water already contains chemical contaminants, our body is not able to use it to its full benefit. When the risk is so great and the solution is so simple… why chance it?
In-home water purification is the most effective, by far the most convenient and most economical means of providing clean, healthy water for you and your family.
“Healthy water” is the best health insurance we can get… and home water purification is the best way to get it… possibly the only way.


Water filter compare

Marketing Water Filter compare.

Model NumberPureH2O™DWS1000Faucet FilterPitcher FilterSY-2300100188H-54Smart Water GXSV10CDeluxe 38465Plus FM-3000
Retail Price$199.99Now $99.99$349.95$34.95$24.95$159.99$577.20$359.99$139.99$149.99$49.95
Replacement Cartridge Cost & Capacity$55.00 / 500 Gal.$79.99 / 625 Gal.$20.00 / 100 Gal.$7.70 / 30 Gal.$50.39 / 500 Gal.$173.30 / 1320 Gal.$100.99 / 750 Gal.$60.00 / 540 Gal.$49.00 / 500 Gal.$20.00 / 100 Gal.
Per Gallon “Cost Of Use”11 centsPer Gal.13 centsPer Gal.20 centsPer Gal.25 centsPer Gal.10 centsPer Gal.13.1 centsPer Gal.13.5 centsPer Gal.11 centsPer Gal.9.8 centsPer Gal.20 centsPer Gal.
Total Cost For 1 Year 1000 gals.$254.99Now: $154.99$349.95$214.95$273.91$210.38$750.50$229.90$199.99$198.99$229.95
Removes ChlorineYES 99%YES 97%YES 99%YES >75%YES 97%YES >98%YES >87%YES 97%YES 99%YES 98%
Removes LeadYES >99%YES 95%YES 99%YES 93%YES 95%YES 99%YES 98%YES 98%YES 92%YES 96%
Removes CystsYES >99.99%YES >99%YES >99%NOYES 99%YES >99%YES >99%YES >99%NOYES >99%
Removes THMsYES >99%YES 92%NONOYES 95%YES >99%NOYES 95%YES 99%NO
Removes VOCsYES >99%YES 92%NONOYES 95%YES >99%NOYES 99%YES 95%NO
Removes LindaneYES >99%YES >99%YES 99%NOYES 99%YES >99%NOYES 99%YES 99%YES 97%
Removes AlachlorYES >98%YES 98%YES 99%NOYES 98%YES 99%NOYES 98%YES 95%NO
Removes AtrazineYES >97%YES 97%YES 92%NOYES 97%YES >88%NOYES 97%YES 97%YES 96%
Removes BenzeneYES >99%YES >99%YES 96%NOYES 99%YES >96%NOYES 99%YES 83%NO
Removes TCEYES >99%YES >99%YES 99%NOYES 99%YES >96%NOYES 99%YES 98%NO

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Cool - This image is a “balloon race”. snake-oil-supplements

This image is a “balloon race”. The higher a bubble, the greater the evidence for its effectiveness. But the supplements are only effective for the conditions listed inside the bubble.

You might also see multiple bubbles for certain supps. These is because some supps affect a range of conditions, but the evidence quality varies from condition to condition. For example, there’s strong evidence that Green Tea is good for cholesterol levels. But evidence for its anti-cancer effects is conflicting. In these cases, we give a supp another bubble.

This visualisation generates itself from this Google Doc. So when new research comes out, we can quickly update the data and regenerate the image. (How cool is that??)